Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Second Event Recap

A great time was had by all at the Stlpikes Blues Game Event!

The Blues handed out a 5-1 beating to the Chicago Blackhawks in front of a sold out crowd. There was a fight 2 seconds (not an exaggeration) into the game, and a few more to follow. The Blues power play scored, the goaltending was excellent, we all got a free car decal, and overall it was well worth attending. Plus, Sodexho-quality tacos are available the day after the game from 11am-2pm in the Scottrade Center lobby, since the Blues scored 5 goals.

On hand were Dan Simpson, Matt Allgeyer, Kyle Huelsing, Matt Ellis, Craig Schoelch, Justin Coomes, Adam Muehl & wife, Josh Nast & female companion, and eventually Tom Schmidt. Tony Phillips unfortunately completely forgot about the event, and was actually in the building that night, but did not call until the game had ended and we had dispersed like ninjas.

Many thanks to Tom Schmidt, who works in the Blues sales office, for securing a block of tickets on his credit card for our benefit. Happily, he was able to join us halfway through the game.

Many thanks in advance to Justin Coomes, who will be the Stlpikes Founders Day representative in Kansas City in a few weeks. This job entails informing the alumni at the meeting of Stlpikes' existence and recruiting anyone else to sign up, especially St. Louis-based active members.

Be on the lookout soon for a poll about the next event. Thanks to all who attended!

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