Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Second Event: Part 3

We have ten people signed up for the hockey game! That's good enough for a discount!

If you are on the fence, thinking about attending, here is the list:
Dan Simpson
Matt Ellis
Craig Schoelch
Mike Kuperman
Josh Nast + guest
Matt Allgeyer + wife
Adam Muehl + wife

Tom Schmidt will be working the game and unable to join us in the stands, but I am sure he can upgrade our tickets to party suites or something comparable once the game starts.

Email stlpikes@gmail.com and thomasschmidt83@gmail.com if you plan to attend.

PS - Unrelated to this event, but as a follow-up to Chris Gilyon's post below, please try to cut a check to Backstoppers. Take a look as the site, and see who they help and how they help. It is truly remarkable what good they do in people's lives. If you are broke as a joke, like most of us, put at least some of that tax return to good use, instead of blowing it on beer and XBox games, like you do every other year.

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