Friday, February 22, 2008

Second Event Feedback

From Tom Schmidt:

First of all, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who attended last night's 5-1 thrashing of the Chicago Blackhawks by my St. Louis Blues. I think everyone that went had a great time, we a group of 11 that attended the game including 9 brothers, 1 wife, and 1 girlfriend.

I don't expect us to plan another Pike event, but I did want to invite everyone out to an additional game on Tuesday, March 4th. The Blues are hosting a "Young Professionals Night" with tickets discounted to 1/2 price and a pre-game Networking Party.

Please [check the Blues site for a] flyer and feel free to pass it along to any friends and relatives you think would fit the description of a young professional.

ppka,Tom Schmidt

From Craig Schoelch:


I was looking on the Blues schedule and wanted to know if anyone would be down for seeing the last home game. It is at 1 o'clock on Saturday April 5th. This does not necessarily need to be an official event, just whoever wants to go.

Craig Schoelch
314-775-3776 (cell)

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