Monday, February 11, 2008

Message from Chris Gilyon ('00)


I'm sure many of you have heard of the tragedy that took place in Kirkwood. As a member of the law enforcement community I was both shocked and horrified when called into work early (as my patrol sector in St. Louis County boarders Kirkwood) only to find out that two officers had been gunned down, executed. Though I was not on scene, many of my friends were and relayed the carnage of what they saw.

Since becoming a Police Officer in 2003 I have been to far too many funerals, worn a mourning band over my badge far too many times, and have had far too many conversations with fellow officers and citizens as to why. The funerals are a sight to behold for sure from an outsiders perspective. From an insiders view, I cannot help but shed tears every time I have to, as I will this Tuesday, stand at attention and sheppard my fellow lawman into the Grace of God.

I am not a fundraiser. And, as many of you know I'm off the grid most of the time and have not had much contact with many of you since leaving college. That was not by choice but by the nature of what I do.

So, what is my purpose in this writing? I know that our philanthropy is Big Brothers/Big Sisters. However, I would encourge the leadership of the Alumni Association to consider granting Backstoppers a secondary status if nothing else. For those of you unfamiliar Backstoppers it is an organization that provides financial, along with other (counseling, etc) to help the family through these terrible times. Like I said, I'm no fundraiser and am in no way affiliated with the organization. However, I know the work they do and it's the shining light for us that wear the blue.

I ask that you keep the fallen in your thoughts and prayers. And to, perhaps, say a prayer for those of us who will carry on in their memory.

As a side note: Dan, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet. I just wanted to Thank You from the bottom of my heart for checking up on me that night. It meant more than you could possibly imagine.

In the bonds,
phi phi
Chris Gilyon (MU)
PO Chris Gilyon, DSN
3487Affton/Southwest Precinct
St. Louis County Police Department

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