Monday, May 12, 2008

Possible Event @ Cardinals Game

Dan James [], the Chapter's Alumni Relations Chairman, is interested in setting up an event with the active chapter members who are in St. Louis for the summer, and he suggested a Cardinals game. I think it's a pretty darn good idea.

His email is below:

"I was trying to think of a possible Alumni and Active event that your group of St. Louis Pikes could be involved in at some point over the summer and the best idea I had was a Cardinals game.

I was trying to think of a possible Alumni and Active event that your group of St. Louis Pikes could be involved in at some point over the summer and the best idea I had was a Cardinals game. I have not discussed this idea with the chapter as a whole, but the brothers that I have mentioned it too seemed interested. Since there is a large group that will be in St. Louis for the summer, I'm sure we could get quite a few actives to attend.

I just wanted to get your input as to whether this a good idea and see if you think the St. Louis Alumni would be interested. Let me know and maybe let me know dates that would be good and I could start planning it out."

Here are the summer weekend homestands:
Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1 vs. Pittsburgh
Friday, June 15 - Sunday, June 17 vs. Philadelphia
Friday, July 4 - Sunday, July 6 vs. Chicago
Friday, July 18 - Sunday, July 20 vs. San Diego
Friday, August 1 - Sunday, August 3 vs. Philadelphia
Friday, August 22 - Sunday, August 24 vs. Atlanta

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